Electric Six announce new bass player – Rob Lower

In a past on the band’s Facebook page, the replacement bassist for Keith Thompson has been announced as Mighty Tiny’s Matt Tompkins, AKA Rob Lower. You can see the full quote about the new member – and his photo – below. We’ll confirm more details as soon as we know!

Crazies, since many of you have asked, the next man up for Electric Six in the bass department is this guy, Rob Lower. He’s been a friend of the band for a few years now, played in one of the all-time favorite support acts we’ve ever had….Mighty Tiny from Boston, MA. He’s got what it takes, and most importantly….he make us younger. Much younger. Because of him, our median age is now 24. He looks great in this promo pic….young, arty, driven….give him a few weeks in a wrinkled leisure suit, force him to play Dance Epidemic over and over again every night, and he’ll be a soulless, disheveled sack of potatoes just like the rest of us. We’re looking forward to our time out on the road with Rob Lower this summer and beyond. He’s been on the road with us before and we know he’s got what it takes to get us to the finish line. Come out and see us break him in real good and dirty…..tour starts this Thursday in Cincinnati. You need to be there. Ladies and gentleman…this is Rob Lower, and he’s the next man up!!!!!!!!!
